Monday, December 24, 2012

Treasure Hunt: Double Treasure

This video chronicles the last treasure at our November 2012 conference. We learned many lessons on this hunt plus had the amazing opportunity to pray for a person twice in two different locations!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Future of Worship

Most of my church experiences have been superficial in that they were mostly acquainted with a "feeling" or an attempt to get something from God by my praise and worship, rather than the simple joy of being in His presence for fellowship and His pleasure. My experiences were also diminished because there was never a tangible place or symbol of His presence, just people and pulpits or stages that were the centerpiece of my attention during worship...We have gone from the priests being the only ones who understood the liturgy to black stages with colored strobe lights and smoke, from quiet non-participatory services to lively energetic services that are governed by the countdown clock. We have gone from the Lord's house to houses of worship, places of refuge to places people refuse to come to any longer. We still are divided on the activity of Holy Spirit in the body of Christ...and all of these divisions divert from the PURPOSE OF OUR CORPORATE GATHERINGS TO--WORSHIP THE FATHER IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH, FOR THE FATHER IS SEEKING SUCH TO WORSHIP HIM. Nathan Byrd

The Lord was quite clear when we started the Furnace that the emphasis was worship of Him for however long He wanted and 1 Cor. 14:23. Sometimes we go and He wrecks us with His presence, angels, signs, and wonders. And we are like little children playing in His love. Other times, we have a teaching or prophesy to one another or someone brings a song. But there is no clock. There is no human agenda. We simply hunger for Him. That is why He shows up in our hidden room in the back of a building. He found us who are desperate for Him and that is the people He is seeking. There is coming a future wave that will change the face of the church and how we worship and why we gather. It will challenge everything we believe and some will adjust to His ways and others simply won't know how to be willing to. The question every leader, worshiper, and believer must ask is are we willing to shift our entire way of "doing church" so we can have His manifest presence.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Song in War

The Furnace MP3: Song in War

In this strategic teaching, you will learn that every season of warfare has a musical strategy from God! What is the sound He is releasing over your life? Listen to this MP3 and then seek the Lord for that sound! Click link below.